Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I recover from a relationship with a narcissist (NPD)?

It was our last and final big breakup (I don't know why I kept going back to him). He really tore me down, put me down, criticized me, would twist things to make things my fault instead of his, was completely irrational and unstable and highly sensitive, everything was about him, nothing about me, total disregard for me and pretty much anyone else. What got me swept up into this was the "too perfect" beginnings and all the big things he'd say and talk about our future and his big love for me and all that. Before you know it, you're doing everything for them and basically their servant, while they make you feel like a terrible, horrible person. I'm supposed to be relieved he ended things for good this time on some ridiculous reason blaming me of course that doesn't make sense - but I'm still so confused and hurt and heartbroken. Please help! Thanks.

Input on putting my dog down?

Our family dog, Scooter, was struck with vestibular disease last year. He's 14 years old and is on his last limb. He has a bad leg which makes his walking even more unstable. He somewhat drags it from time to time. He has accidents constantly and he can't be left home alone for more than around three hours because of it. He still eats and has a love for food, but yet a majority of the time he just looks depressed. Maybe it's because we can't give him constant attention anymore since we don't have time. His sister is extremely healthy compared to him and we expect her to last at least a couple more years. But the rest of the family is talking about putting him down. I can tell there's still some happiness left in him...but..I'm just not sure about anything. With the accidents, falling down, bad leg (which he chews constantly making it bleed), arthritis, and everything else...maybe putting him down is the best thing to do. I'm 50/50 on it. I love him to death and I can't imagine ending his life unnaturally...but then again, he's taking a toll on our family and I have no idea how happy he is or how much pain he is in...

How can I use TextNow Voice in the TextNow iPad app?

I just redeemed 30 credits to go to 100 free minutes of calling, how do I acces that? I went thru downloading all these crappy apps on my iPad to get a phone on it for nothing. Any help? Thank you.

What is the Price of Taxing the Rich?

for every dollar taken in taxes,the govt spends 10 to re-disrtribute that one dollar...any time money is taken out of the economy, it means less money business has access to...if a busness has no money,they will not are ALWAYS the first casualty of tax and spend liberals...

What is your opinion on Amanda Knox? Innocent or guilty, why?

I know without a doubt that Amanda Knox is innocent. There is little to no actual evidence to convict her, and the judge who convicted her is mentally unstable, with his insane claims. He's also done this before, to a two guys, Mario Spezi and Douglas Preston, back in the 1980's. Douglas Preston wrote a book about it and about the killings (also the killer) that that same judge accused Mario Spezi in particular of committing, using the same BS claims of satanic cults and sh*t like that. The book is called "The Monster of Florence". I know that she's innocent.

Why does installous close after multitasking?

Ok so im trying to download an app in installous i multitask its fine comeback to it start playing an app then it just stops downloading

George Carlin once said, "Most people with low self-esteem have earned it." What does that mean? Do you agree?

I keep thinking about this quote because I feel as if I have low self-esteem. I'm a 36 year old man who is bipolar and schizoaffective and I feel as if low self-esteem has been dogging me my whole life. One thing I can say for sure is that I do believe we get what we deserve. In other words, we are where we are in life because of our actions in the past. So if we are down and out, we must've done some things to get there. Some people believe in victimhood. They believe they are merely victims. And to a certain extent, people are victims of circumstance. People cannot control their genetic make up. And, in some cases, mentally ill people have a chemical imbalance that causes them to be mentally unstable. Some things people can control and some things they cannot control. So I guess you could say I am where I am because of a combination of the two things- not only has my chemical imbalance been responsible for my place in life but also the decisions I made in life have determined my outcome. What do you think about all of this?

If the person who has a peace bond on you is trying to pursue you?

Could that person get in trouble? My cousin is in this situation. His mentally unstable ex-wife has a peace bond on him, yet she is trying to pursue him. Can she get in trouble for that?

If I'm not connected to wifi or 3G internet can I still see missed calls or texts through Talkatone app?

My service is suspended so I'm using the talkatone app to make calls & send texts through my wifi at home. I won't be connected to wifi once I leave home, so if I get a call or text while I'm not connected to wifi, will it pop up once I connect back to wifi? I have an iPhone if that matters at all.

What helps to make sci-fi or a fantasy book enjoyed by people who don't usually enjoy it?

I'll get it out of the way now and say that I'm not looking for the typical answers, such as making it a 'speculation fiction' (Brave New World, 1984, We, Handmaid's Tale, etc) or a YA themed book (Hunger Games, Twilight, etc.) So I'm wondering, with those things in mind, is it possible? What would it take? I am aware that there is a lot of people that flat out don't enjoy those genres because they are not believable. So would it only work if people can really relate to the conflict, setting, characters, themes etc. ? These genres are often considered 'nerdy' and I would like to hear if you think that a Sci-fi or Fantasy book be almost universally liked by anyone. Thanks in advance!

How can i read books in PRC format on a Sony Ericsson xperia x8?

i have a Sony Ericsson xperia x8 and i have some eBooks which are in PRC and the phone says unsupported file type. I want to use fb reader but how can i convert them.Thank you. What is the best program to convert. Is there an app that you do not need to download just there selection of books.

How can I get out of this horrid situation I find myself in?

The first step to love is loving yourself. If you can't be happy being you first, then it makes it even more difficult to fall in love with someone else. Be your own person and be able to tell yourself that all of those lies people say aren't true. People are going to be jerks; it's not always easy being strong all of the time. But even diamonds are made in the greatest amounts of have the opportunity to take the bad things people say about you and turn them into your motivation to prove them wrong. Use their cruel words as fuel. You have keep your head up, no matter how difficult it may seem, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even it seems very dim. I believe that if someone truly is your soulmate, things will work themselves out one way or another. If you still keep in contact with miss X or miss Y, then try to stay friends. At least that way they still stay in your life. And who knows? One day, friendly love may turn into more than that. If not, just know in your heart that someone even more perfect than you can imagine is just around the corner...

Practicality vs. Idealism?

i have a ? of my own what was the ? in that ? of yours? i would like to answer it but ur not asking anything from the looks of it your just going on about this and that so if you can point out the ? in all that i would be happy to answer

Am I a schizophrenic?

For awhile I just thought it was something that'd go away until I looked up what I was experiencing on google. I don't hear "voices" exactly. I hear things that are not there all the time. An example would be hearing a scream in a movie, and randomly the memory of that scream, you can hear it and it feels and sounds like the original scream. I wouldn't consider myself mentally unstable, but i often find it's really hard to think and my mind slips into this state of being depressed and confused for no valid reason. I wouldn't consider myself stupid either, nor a genius, but I dont know I feel like if I accepted the fact that I had this disease it would limit me. I dont know how to explain it, i just need help

I need help with my singing?

Alright, so when I sing I tend to push more force out to make the higher pitch, but that doesn't help for longer songs cause it wears me out, and then when I try to sing at the top of my range loudly it either starts cutting out and sounding unstable or cuts to falsetto... can someone help me strengthen this or fix it some how, I'm truly grateful of you guys. Thanks

I do not know what to do?

I'm 20 and have a crappy job making like 800$ a month if I'm lucky. I don't go to school and have not a single friend anymore. My older brother wants nothing to do with me and my dad is mentally unstable and abusive. My mom is abused by him and brain washed. I have to be out of my house in 2weeks and have only 1000 in savings. Where do I go? What should I do?

Blackberry/iphone apps!?!?

i had a iphone 3gs before and i loved the zombie farm app and im really thinking about getting a blackberry torch and i was wandering if i could get the zombie farm app thru blackberry or if i could get it from the apple app website even or if it is possible to download it from the computer because i know someone who has a iphone and has the app on there computer??

What musicians/bands are universally awesome and shouldn't be hated?

I mean, musicians like Bob Marley everyone knows and loves and the people just don't hate them, and if they do they have problems. Does anyone know any other musician of that nature, --Note: genre doesn't matter-- so yeah, please just list all the musicians and bands that you think fall into the category of universally loved and etc.

What iphone photo app does Kid Cudi use on his tumblr?

What is the iphone photo app called that Kid Cudi uses as shown on his tumblr: ??

What happened to my knee?

well its got nothing to do with milk, milk has calcium which makes bones strong, it sounds like loose cartilage

What do you find attractive? (in a girl)?

hey! I was just wondering what boys and girls find attractive in a girl. like how do they like them to dress, hair(curly or straight and color), short or tall, lips body etc. This question is open to all, i just want to know what everyone finds universally attractive

Facebook notifications not working on iPhone ?

And it spent show im on chat. The weather app the phone comes with doesn't update it's pic like from the homescreen it always stays sunny and on 73 degrees. I called Verizon and we did some steps to fox problem but it's still the same. Anyone else having this problem ? Should I take to version store or apple store for a new phone?

What tangible skills must an engineer have?

There are a number of different types of engineers, and it is the specific tangible skills that distinguish them! Once you know which kind of engineer, Google it, for example: "Job description mechanical engineer." Good luck!

Is there an IPAD app that lets you order prints either by mail or pickup?

from Walmart, Rite-Aid, CVS or even order them from fuji or Kodak directly. Snapfish has Iphone but not ipad app, and nothing seems to just be a simple order prints option?

How do i transfer files to the "OPlayer HD lite? 10 POINTS!!!?

Im taking a flight tomorrow morning and i need to put some movie on my ipad and i dont know how to transfer files to that app( files are rmvb and xvi)

Do I have borderline personality disorder?

You most likely don't have BPD but you might be somewhat Co-Dependent. Don't let people abuse you and just try to like yourself. Try taking a break from all guys to just learn who you are and care about yourself.

If God is universal shouldn't there be one universal religion?

if people knew what was true there would be no such thing as religion. because the practice would become truthful. one religion from God going out to the world is as it should be, but today we're more inclined to believe many religions from man all meet up at God... which doesn't make any sense seeing as different directions don't take you to the same place.

We have a baby on the way & I don't know what to do? ?

I understand your feelings but, guys are showing pictures of girls at work all the time. and they are married with kids. I don't do it but, when their wife come around to pick them up they hide their phones. it is something like porn and pics of girls they text to each other. seem like they are a couple of good guys but like to see girls pics. don't let it bother you to much.

Do Baptist universally believe that the Sabbath is on sunday?

or is this a church by church affirmation? I am attending a church that I have thought about joining, and I looked at the program today and it said for next weeks easter service that they would have early morning sunday sabbath service. I did a double take because even the catholic church stated in catechism that it never changed the sabbath for christianity. So where would such a affirmation come from? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sabbath, even in christianity is friday sundown to saturday sundown?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does Soulja Boy know that the entire hip-hop community thinks he's wack?

KRS-ONE co-signed him, so that's not true. But even if the majority of the hip hop community thought he was wack, I doubt Soulja Boy cares. He admitted himself that he's not real hip hop.

Do you support the Imperialist bastards of NATO and their civilian killing air-strikes?

Thats the longest question on yahoo answers ever man,I like the Army aswell, but ther not infallible and yeah Killin' innocent civilians is Bad M'Kay

How does a good owner maintain care for their dog when they themselves are sick?

Wow, how ironic. I just got over a pretty nasty flu, I have more dogs than I can handle, two cats and I live alone. So, just from last week I remember that all I wanted to do was sleep and take hot baths, but I forced myself to take care of my dogs, walk them, feed them, etc. because I love them =)

Where do you get the picture url from to put into a webcam widgit on deviantart?

so now deviant art have the webcam app, i wanna use it. But i dont know where to get the pic url needed from. can somebody explain it to me, please??? i feel stupid having to ask :( HELP!!!

Was South Park parodying dubstep?

In the episode "You're Getting Old" was Tween Wave supposed to be parodying dubstep? Other than Industrial Rock, it seems like Dubstep is the only genre that is universally hated by parents. I like Dubstep, I'm just saying that the description of Tween Wave in South Park sounds like the description of Dubstep by parents in the real world.

Is it really "shallow-ness", or is it fair in the game of love and lust? (GUYS ONLY PLS :)?

Shallow. No such thing as "fair-game" in that context. He should enjoy you and like you the way you are, unstable weight or not, and unless you become quite obese when you're at the height of the yoyo weight, why the hell does he care? Anywhere between sizes 6-10 and sometimes 12, women are very sexy.

In the FIFA 11 app how many games do you play in a league?

FIFA 11 by EA Sports app has a league mode and I was wondering if you just play on and on or if there is a certain amount of games and then a playoffs or something like that. Thanks.

Buddhists, others: do you think that awareness of 'oneness' and 'being' translate into political philosophy?

"What is truth when we lie to ourselves about so much, and know so little? What is the universe made of? How big is it? Is it eternal? Which politics are best for society? Even Pigsy understands that certainty is only another delusion."

Included in anothers divorce agreement?

Do you have any friends that are or are related to an attorney? If so, do what I do for legal advice and find one who will give you a little free advice. I use pre-paid legal.

Spiritually speaking, should awful taste in music result in a death sentence?

And I don't want to hear any of that crap about every one having their own taste, bad music is universally bad and that is what you usually hear on the radio.

Would you be angry in my situation? please I need advice!?

Yes, I think it is silly for you to be mad about this. Your sister may be getting free stuff, but what kind of life does she have? Not a great one, as you have described. Yes, you're working hard and paying a lot of money to do something significant with your life, but that doesn't mean you won't be able to afford or have time to raise a family, so you shouldn't feel like she's the one who's getting everything without working for it. Don't even worry about what kind of life your sister has and don't feel like you're getting the short end of the stick. Because you aren't.

What are those black and White barcode-like boxes in adverts and movie posters called? ?

You use your smartphone to take a picture of them with an app and usually it takes you to a website or something.

Are SD cards universal between all devices?

I just want to know if SD cards are universally compatible from one device to another. i.e. could I take the SD card out of one camera of one brand and use it in another camera in another brand as long as it has the SD logo on it?

My ipod touch won't recieve wi-fi?

It gets the wi-fi in my house and its fine but if im in a cafe with wifi it doesnt seem to work. It shows the tick sign beside it and the 4/5 bars on the top left corner. But if i click on an app that requires wi-fi it say cannot connect? Why is this and how can i fix it ??

Can you identify this Sci-Fi tv show?

Sounds like it could be "Sliders". It was about a group of people traveling the Multiverse of parallel Earth's via Blue "portals". In one episode "Double Cross" they land on an Earth in dire need of natural resources they plan to use the Sliding technology they're developing to raid parallel worlds of resources but their Portals are unstable (evidenced by the Red color) so the Sliders agree to help, they have no knowledge of the invasion plans though.

What is Trevel and Tourism?

The origin of tourism can be traced to the earliest period of human habitation on the globe. Of course, there exists difference between modern travelling duration the early period. Nevertheless it is the habit of travelling which was initiated the growth of the survivals and existence of the early man. With the advent of civilization and change in the human outlook, the meaning of tourism has been shifted from the necessity to the desire of taking marvelous adventures. Tourism is the difficult phenomenon to describe because there is no single definition that is universally accepted.

Jailbroken ipod touch 2g 4.2.1?

so i jailbroke my ipod and everything was fine but the app that you are suppose to get doesnt show up on the itouch . whats wrong ??? when i turn it off the skull shows since i jailbroke it with greenpoison someonee helppp

Colored Headlight Bulbs?

I want to change my head light colors. i want my high beams to green so i would need a green bulb that fits and i would like my low beams to be either stock or white. probably stock. but i would also like to have my turn signals change on my headlights, which means i would need green instead of my stock amber. does anyone know where i can find anything that would fit universally for colored headlight bulbs? i would greatly appreciate it. thanks.

Will it cost my friend in Boston money to text me using the Text+ App from Canada?

Since textplus is an app, it isn't linked to a certain carrier, so it will be free to the person using the app, for the person using their regular cell phone number, it should be free. If any costs, it would be standard message rates, so not costly.

Do i have a legit child custody of proving the mom unfit?

I don't think you have to say anything else let the proof work for itself. I wouldn't start on a rant about all the things she's done because it makes you look unstable and immature. Present the facts and tell the judge that you are sorry it has come to this because you want your son to have a mother but that at this age consistency, stability and safety are more important.

Are US airport workers bilingual?

I used to work for DHS, and from what I've seen in the past, hardly anyone, whether law enforcement, or airline employees speak a second language. I however do speak a little Italian.

Should I jailbreak my iPod Touch 4G?

It's an iPod Touch 4G 4.3.3 and i was wondering because a couple people have said they have gotten a virus from downloading a certain app. Also if i should why and if you could name a couple awesome apps for cydia that would be great. If i shouldn't explain why not. Thanks!!

Will I get into Florida State University?

senior year is not as important as sophomore and junior year, as long as you kept good grades during those 2 years you probably will get in, just get a good ACT score, FSU prefers at least a 25 on it so get it up and you probably will get in

Looking for moive apps for ipod touch? Please help?

Hi. I'm looking for an app for my ipod touch 4th gen that i can watch movies on WHILE i'm offline ( ex: in car, on airplane). Netflix was great but it will not let me watch videos when i am not connected to internet. And itunes, its okay but i'd rather want to pay 7 or 8 dollars a month to watch movies on my ipod while offline. Please tell me which app you used and if its worth it. Thanks so much :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is there an Android app like this?

I'm wondering if there's an Android app where you can select some of your apps and lock them, like you'd have to enter a PIN to get into certain apps. Is there an Android app like this?

How do you know mythology is false?

Think of the Egyptian or Greek gods and goddesses. These are almost universally accepted as being completely wrong. How do you know?

Free books on iphone?

Ok since some people are stupid when I asked this before.. I NEED A FREE APP FOR MY IPHONE THAT WILL LET ME HAVE FREE BOOK. :D I want the books to be FreE! Any help thank you!!!

How do atheists explain the fine-tuned universe?

Catchy, "fine-tuned universe". You work on that one for a while or just snatch it out of your a$$? You start with an assumption(there is a "creator") and work backward. That is FAIL.

Who was worse, Hitler or Churchill?

I was going for Hitler until you said Churchill held meetings in the nude, now it's a tie. Reality is any expansion of goverment involves brutality from the greeks and romans to present day.

What's wrong with this iPod?

Okay, just yesterday my friend texted me saying her iPod was acting up. She stated that every time she tried to open any app it would close on her and would continue to do so through out the day. My being the one who set her iPod up, I went over and restored it for her, then put everything back on it. She owns the iPod generation 4 and never before have I seen this happen. It worked fine after I restored her iPod and all, but just a little while ago she sent me a text saying her iPod was acting up the same way again. It was the same story as last time: she unplugged it from charging and went to open an app. Boom, it closed on her. Could it need an update or what? I don't know what to do for her now. D:

Can Aliens understand our religion on Earth?

They would understand mine. I have never had one. I would not touch a religion with somebody elses barge pole. They are for the living dead who are looking for life.

A question about cells and DNA - Is DNA specific for each cell?

No. All cells have the exact same DNA; whether they are brain cells, skin cells, or liver cells or any other cell type. The difference is how the DNA is expressed. Brain cells may turn on certain genes and turn off others; while liver cells will turn on other genes, but turn off others. This process is usually set in place during development using iRNA or hormones/protien. Certain iRNA or proteins may inhibit or prohibit expression of certain genes. Hope that helps.

How do you change your home location on google maps?

Whenever I want to check in at my place or to locate myself on google maps from my ipod touch, the app always finds me at my old address, where I used to live one year ago. And I cannot change this. Has anyone had this problem too?

Knights of the old republic cheats?

i used to have the game on disc but i lost it so when it came out on the mac app store i bought it. but when i try to enable cheats it wont let me why is it doing this. do u have to us a different process or is it a different file. im really confused help me out.

Statistics - what is a good sample size?

I have a textbook on statistics which states that if the number of observations in the sample exceeds 30, then the sample mean and standard deviation are considered reliable estimates of the parameters. Is a sample of 30 a universally good sample size? Does a good sample size depend more on the subject which is being studied? Are samples sizes below 30 considered worthless?

Managing BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)?

the only thing thats really been proven to make a significant difference with BPD is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and is done by therapists with training in this area, and consists of group and individual sessions. It's a way for the person to learn empathy and understand how their actions affect others, and to better learn their specific triggers and restructure their thoughts and impulses. The person MUST be motivated to make the change, and forcing them to go won't do any good. Good luck ;)

Do I have social anxiety disorder?

I think I have social anxiety disorder... If I have to do a speech at school, I worry a month ahead of time and worry about messing up, stuttering, looking nervous, being judged or not remembering what to say. I have trouble making friends because I am horrified that we could have an awkward silence and have nothing to say and look like a weirdo shy person. I've been described as shy or quiet my entire life. I'm afraid to raise my hand to answer a question in class because I'm afraid to be wrong and look stupid. I blush a lot, it annoys me a lot... I've had panic attacks before... I know that social anxiety disorder is related to stress and I have a lot of stress for a 14 year old girl haha. I have unstable relationships with people and it interferes with this possible social anxiety disorder. Do I have social anxiety disorder?

Why do so many people buy into the New Age thinking of obvious fraudsters such as David Icke?

Liam, conspiracy theorists are actually quite common, though few are as outspoken as David Icke. If Christopher Hitchens is correct, conspiracy theorists are unavoidable in a media-saturated, diverse population. My observations parallel those of the sociologists on this matter. Reasoning based on conspiracy theory, as irrational as it appears to most people, comes from very human tendencies. Most people are looking for self-contained, dramatic explanations because they relieve the tension of continuing to parse difficult questions that have no easy, or definite, answers; they want "closure"! Large social phenomena are irreducibly complex, and this type of reasoning overrides the discomfort of trying, and inevitably failing, to come to grip with large, and multifaceted, issues. Conspiracy theory is more common amongst people who, for one reason or another, feel powerless in a complex world. They tend to ascribe the social phenomena that distress them to agents lying properly outside of society, hence Icke's "reptilians." All UFO believers buy into a small class of distinct projections, with the common element being the reptilian appearance of their aliens... they share a point of origin with the Serpent of Genesis, and the archetype is a default one in individuals growing up in predominantly Judaeo-Christian cultures, even if they have subsequently renounced that culture. The fringes of society, left and right, coalesce in a sort of fusion paranoia. It should be noted that there is a statistical correlation with schizotypal personality disorder. May I point out that as ridiculous as Icke is, he has garnered a great deal of attention for his misconstructions; he has written several books (flights of fancy, really) and has benefited from lucrative lunacy! What I find most troubling is that the mainstream media give him as much attention as they do, and that he widens the window of credulity so substantially that even marginally distorted, and unproven, assertions look reasonable and gain credence. If he hasn't himself authored the "slippery slope," he has applied grease after the fact!

Are you universally loved?

seriously now. nobody loves me. i don't even have friends. as a matter of fact everybody i know dislikes or outright hates me lmfao crazy sh1theads

Any one know of any android file sharing app or website?

I have 4shared but they don't have the apps I want. Please a little help share your knowledge I'll really appreciate it. Love y'all

Can she use texts against me?

I have court in a few weeks about getting joint custody of my son. His mother constantly provoked me through texts and voice mails to the point where i would text back and argue with her. She is claiming that a few days ago, on the way to a child support mediator, i threatened her life, told her i was gonna get someone to whoop her ***, and grabbed the steering wheel and jerked her off the road. I did none of the above. I did yell and scream after she started with me. Then she left me at a store 30 miles from my house. I dont blame her. But she says she is going to use our angry text conversations in court to show i am mentally unstable when all i was saying was i wanted time with my son and she refused.

What do I do about the girl I know will never be mine?

Alright, so I have a close friend and as long as I've known this girl I have been deeply infatuated with her. She's pretty, genuine, the whole deal. Problem is, she's had relationship with my best friend before and even though they're not together anymore they're still sort of the "Ross and Rachael" of our circle of friends. As in that they're sort of destined to be together and that it's universally agreed that they probably will be someday. I've always been this girl's "funny" friend, so I don't think I've ever been considered by her as a truly romantic option. Now, being brought up and let down by the possibility of us ever being together so many times I've completely given up on the notion of us ever having a romantic relationship. I've accepted that fact, but that doesn't mean I'm over her. Now, the problem lies in my future relationships. I won't ever be able to go out with anyone else because I would feel guilty about still having feelings(no matter how buried) for another person. So now I'm not sure what to do. Never be with anyone ever? And, don't tell me I'll get all the way over her someday, because I'm not that kind of person. Even if I was 40 and married to someone and hadn't seen this old love since my teenage years, I would still feel guilty about having an unresolved infatuation with another woman. What the hell am I supposed to do? Oh, and please no "Just tell her how you feel" answers, this is a complex situation that requires a complex solution.

Eugenics is the practice and belief that?

"the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)." So, the answer is A.

Is Islam ultimately anti-slavery?

I've done some research and found that Islam may be anti-slavery. Muhammad bought slaves with the sole intention of freeing them. He also worked toward a more humane treatment of slaves, and it can be argued that his ultimate goal was to erode and degrade the institution of slavery so that one day slavery would be abolished. Today, slavery is universally outlawed throughout the Islamic world.

How can i tell the diff. if i am preg. or if im about to start?

yes i know this sounds stupid.. i am 26 years old and i cant tell the diff. i have been taking fertility meds and i am hoping it works.. well i know i should be starting my period around the 11th.. i know the common things that happen before a period. Like breast hurting and things like that.. but a little over a week ago i started waking up in the middle of the night sick to my stomach. i would stay sick for about an hour then i would finally fall back asleep. And i am also using the bathroom a little more then normal. But i took a test at the time and it was neg. I have a doctors app but it isnt till August.. so are there any other little things i can look for like a certain way of being sick. is it a normal kinda of sickness in your stomach? Yes i am going to take another test but i am waiting till its closer to the time im suppose to start.

Back up/rip dvds that I own for back up?

I own battle of la and cantt freaking back it up to xvid or to another dvd ... Ive looked and downloaded so many apps my brain hurts can someone point me in the right direction for this...? I have alot of dvds to back up so something that will universally work would be great thanks!

I Want To Live With A Different Parent: Please Help?

Im 14 Years Old: Turning 15 In August: My Parents Have Been Divorved Since I Was Like 5. I Live With My Dad And His Wife Of 7 Years In New York And I Absolutley Hate It, My Mom Tried Fighting For Custody 3 Years Ago And Lost. My Mom Lives In South Carolina, And She Has A Lot Of Issues, Such As Drugs, And Her Mental Health That Came Up A Couple Years Back And She Lost Custody Of Her Daughter And Son That Were Living With Her, But She Is Cleaned Up And Is Getting Custody Back: I Know If Theres Another Custody Battle All Of That Will Be Brought Up And She Will Loose Automatically: But I Absolutley Can't Stand Living Here; I Hate My Step Mother With A Great Passion And Because Of Her Me And My Dad Fight All The Time, Shes Always Putting Me Down And Accusing Me Of Her Problems: And Im Grounded All The TIme Because Of Stupid **** That Doesnt Even Make Since: And She Moved Out This Year To Move To Georgia And She Blamed Me For The Whole Reason They Were Fighting: My Life Was Great While She Was Gone Everyone Got Along; But Then She Moved Back In: So What Should I Do? , I Really Want To Live With My Mom, I Have Good Reasons To Move But They Would Have Good Reasons As To Why It Would Be An Unstable Enviornment.

Downloaded Apps on Nokia 5800?

I'm really confused because I downloaded an app that I really wanted then think I may have deleted it by mistake. Anyway now it won't let me download it again (presumably because it thinks I already have it?) so I checked my settings and it's definitely not saved anywhere on the phone/memory card. Because it still wouldn't let me download it, I formatted the memory card (presuming this would erase all trace of the app and let me start from scratch) however it's still not letting me get this and I don't know how/why and what I can do now to be able to download it again. It's a free app from the Ovi store if that helps explain things? Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this!!

Microsoft Office 10 can't install, HELP PLEASE!?

I had a trial version and couldn't register it online. I wanted to uninstall it, but accidently clicked on 'repair'. I then tried to uninstall it but nothing happened. Whenever I open a Microsoft program a window appears saying "Preparing all the necessary files for setup", after that another window appears saying "Subscription cannot verify the license for this app. A repair attempt failed or was canceled by the user." Can anybody pleas help me with this problem? I have Windows 7 Ultimate. THANKS

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can a Catholic be pro-choice?

The only people who can change abortion is the supreme court. By the way 6 out of 9 of them are republican ( the ones who sat they are against abortion ).

Do women resent good looking men not approaching women in public?

If I want something, I go for it. It's the year 2011, and I highly doubt that men will think a woman who approaches them first is "desperate."

My ex boyfriend always tells me he's sad?

My ex and I have been on and off for about 2.5 years now. I went on vacation last week and he randomly texted me that we should stop talking. I said okay and didn't contact him. Whenever he contacted me, I ignored it or replied with a simple answer. He constantly texts me saying he misses me and he's emotionally unstable. I don't know what to reply to him because I asked him if he wanted to be with me but he said "not now." I don't understand him. he tells me he's emotionally unstable. but i don't know if i should him him or what. I don't even know what to say to him without sounding mean. Please give me some insight

Youtube Mobile not working on iPod Touch?

I like using the Mobile site on my iPod rather than the actual app because it's much faster in my opinion. But a few days ago, I found that I could no longer access the site. Whenever I go to "" , nothing shows up. It says it's done loading, but just a white screen shows up. Any suggestions?

HOFer Harmon Killebrew enters hospice care. Dammit. Share thoughts, memories of the slugger?

Unfortunately i never got to see him play as he either retired or it was during the time i didn't watch Baseball yet but i do know that he was a great player a deserving Hall of Famer & he will be missed by true Baseball Fans.

Can i use a kindle app on the nextbook2 with google android2.0?

I want to buy an e-reader, and I like the touchscreen feature of the nextbook. But I currently use Kindle on my android phone, and don't want to repurchase books with the borders interface. Does Kindle work on the nextbook?

Is there an app for iPhone or iPad for this?

I'm on vacation and I don't have my laptop with me. I really want to take a picture and put it into Lock Screen Designer and use as a wallpaper. I generally use Gimp at home, and I dint know what the feature is called, but it's where you can cut out (not crop) a part of a picture, in this case a person...? It doesn't matter if it's for iPhone or iPad, and I've already tried PS for iPhone. Any other ideas? Thanks guys!

IPhone 4 texting photo question?

I have an iPhone 4 and want to text a photo to another iphone 4 user and allow them to view it in our texting thread but not allow them to save it to their phone and share with others. Is there an app I can download to do this?

If you were filling out an job app online, and you get a question like this:?

Why are you applying for this employment opportunity? Now I know it may seem easy to most, but I don't wanna sound stupid. Can someone please help??? Thanks

Why is he now calling me? should i meet up with him?

It's just a booty call. He doesn't respect you, and isn't willing to compromise. Those things have not changed and you don't want to go back there. You CAN find someone who would never dream of putting you through that. Someone who will LISTEN when you have a problem and do their best to help fix it. This dude isn't the one you want. Seriously, it only took him a WEEK to get right back to doing what he knows hurts you? Surely you do understand that all those times he was MIA for a few days, he WAS doing what you feared the most? That's the only reason guys disappear for days and don't answer the phone. Stay away from that nightmare, please. Your future self thanks you.

Blckberry messenger help....?

Is there any way to change sms && messenger colors??? I know someone said chompsms but I can't find that app

"Bisexuality is superior to heterosexuality" <---- as high IQ is to low IQ?

I don't really know to be honest, but I don't believe anyone is really superior to anyone. I brag and tease sometimes that people are jealous that I can have the best of both worlds, but I don't think I am better than them. I do think bisexuals are lucky. I love men and women equally, and I can express it sexually with either gender and for that I feel I am lucky. Of course some people wouldn't agree, but that's okay.

Is it possible to integrate Groupon and LivingSocial coupon verification into POS systems?

If my store cannot accommodate the paper option or the iphone app (I can't just leave an iphone at every checkout), how do I carry out the verification?

Why do I always get TDed for this argument?

People who are insecure, when you say different things than what they expected you to say, they TD you. It is Emotional Immaturity at the root of it.

Would you all like to play a game?

Elliott smith. Nearly nobody knows who he is, but once you hear him you fall in love with his music. I haven't ever heard of someone disliking him.

Please help: How can I simply get up & move to start a new life?

I am 24 & currently have a full time job. I have a college education & graduated in 2009. I don't like it here very much & want to start over. I would like to save some more money & have at least a few thousand $ in the bank before moving. I am in a very small town that I've lived in all my life. I am sick of it here. It does not help I dated a guy for many years & we reconnected recently and I've been getting sucked back into an emotionally-unstable relationship. He's controlling & it's not healthy for me.. so controlling that I'd prob continue to be with him just to not be lonely-- unless i literally moved away. And then would realize & remember how happy I am without him. My parents don't like him & half my friends don't care for him. I feel like I'm forcing myself to love him. I need to get away partly for that reason. Also, the jobs are awful here, my pay is crappy (NY upstate, I'm a dental assistant) & I'm thinking eastern Mass. would be better at least temporary (have a family member & good friend there). That way I'd be just a few hours from most of my family/friends. Is this a crazy idea? I've heard of others doing this, it's not unheard of. What should I do, where do I start? I can't keep living here. There is nothing left for me here, in this tiny redneck town population 2,000. I've felt like I'm stuck & going backwards.. there are little job opportunities, not much to do socially, poor local economy. It's getting really old here & don't want to live here forever. Any help/input is greatly appreciated.. Thank you.

The North/South divide?

Why do those in the south of England always see themselves better than their Northern counterparts? Why can't they give Northerners the same rights and privileges they the south enjoy? Why does the south continue to steal Northern money to pay for southern entertainment and then demand extra money from us up here in the North? For that matter, why is it, when someone on the news is representing the United Kingdom, why do they think a southerner can universally represent all of Britain? Why don't they think of asking a Midlander, a Welsh person, a Scot or even a Northerner

Can I break a lease if only I have signed it and my fiance hasn't? We haven't taken keys yet.?

I signed my portion of the lease, however, my fiance was out of the country and she'll be back on Tuesday to sign her portion. Unfortunately, our vehicle broke down and I used money that included my first month's rent to fix it. Thus we cannot afford the apt at this time. Lease is 3 days old but we have not taken keys yet until she signs her portion. I gave them a check for the deposit and app fees the day I signed. Can I still break the lease if she hasn't signed her portion and we haven't taken keys yet despite the lease being 3 days old?

Women who date unstable men?

are you now single now from a unstable relationship, and is the unstable dude looking for another unstable woman to manipulate?

Bisexuality v heterosexuality? Is heterosexuality a lesser sexual orientation?

Sometimes I wish I could cross that line. But I'm not attracted to women. That's the thing. That way you could share clothes and make up and you'd probably have more communication.

I have a big problem with hurting people... help?

okay so I've been "dating" this guy from an app and i know it's not gonna work out but icant hurt people just the thought of it makes me want to puke so how do I break up with him? so I don't Hurt him and please don't say stuff like "drop his *** and don't worry" I really need advice on this. thx

Is there an Android app that sells dvds and games?

I have an app from that I can scan barcodes of books and find the best deal to sell them. I am looking for something similar for dvds, cds, and video games.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Question about human rights, communsim, and the cold war?

Every American president of the Cold War era argued that human rights violations were one of the primary evils of Communism. Would you describe Communist policies as attacks against human rights? Is the concept of human rights universally applicable?

How do you update an iTouch on a new computer without deleting everything on it?

How can I sync my itouch and my new mac without deleting all the songs, apps, videos, etc. on my itouch? Before my mac, I had a pc that I had connected with my itouch. The pc had all the songs and apps and stuff. The new mac has nothing and I'm afraid that when I try to update my itouch by adding a new song or app from iTunes from my mac, all the old ones on my itouch will get erased. This has happened before so I'm paranoid. I know you can check some options but I'm not sure which ones and I don't want to take the risk without knowing for sure which will simply update my itouch with new media while others will replace it completely. So how would I do this? Thanks!


facebook wont load properly on my samsung m8800 phone it keeps saying connection lost even tho my internet is working fine please help !!

Desperately want to get out of here.?

I'm an american and have lived in the US all my life. Honestly, I'm just sick of living here and I want an adventure. I've always fancied the idea of moving to the UK. I've looked about online and have found very conflicting reports of how difficult/easy it can be to move. Other than getting a job which seems universally reported to be very difficult for US citizens. Can anyone give me any advice on moving to the UK? Preferentially I'd like to move to somewhere in the lake district.

Note Taker / EReader?

I need something that I can organize my notes on and have all of them with me 24/7. (I really like the app NoteShelf) The main thing I need is something that with take notes and store them for later review. Any help would be great.

Ipod touch game apps won't post to facebook newsfeed?

I have a few games on my ipod touch and i'd like to share my scores with friends on facebook. The problem though is that it will only post to my profile wall and not the live newsfeed. Why is this? I tried to find the 'iphone for facebook' app on the facebook app settings but it's not there. I can post normal status updates fine. Is there anyway I can fix this?

I can't tell if he's ignoring me or if he's really just that busy?

I've been dating this guy for about a month now and I think we've only actually hung out 5 times. We always make plans to but when it comes time to actually hang out he says he has to work or study. He puts work and studying above me, which is fine because I know how important it is to him, but I'd appreciate a little attention too sometimes. There are times when I'll be with him and some friends and he tells me that he's just going to go home and go to sleep instead of staying with me for the night, and then he'll go around to his friends talking about hanging out later that night. I know most of the time he is studying because he's taking some really hard courses, but there are other times where I just feel like he's avoiding me. I'm not sure what to do but something has to be done because it's making me more emotionally unstable than I'd like to be, so any advice or comment would be appreciated. Thanks! =]

Would you wait a year to be with someone you loved?

The guy that I have been waiting for is faithful, respectful, and is waiting on me to turn 18. I have known him very well for the past 8 - 9 months. He is currently 24, and has been more than willing to wait for me. He is best friends with my older brother, and this guy has shown me respect since day one. Luke, ( the guy I want to be with) supports his family financially and has a full time job. Luke wants me to go to college and he has told me he will wait. The way he treats me would have any girl head over heels for him. In less than a year, ( next june) we could be together ( currently 17). I told him I want to stay abstinent ( nothing past kissing) at least until 18, and he is fully supportive. My mom has told me to not be with him until I am legal, so that is why we are not together. I have always had past ex's who ran me over emotionally and the relationships were unstable. Does it sound okay to wait for him since he is willing to wait the time for me? Thanks for any advice!

Do Christian think X used for Christ like Xmas and Xtians is due to disrespect?

Seriously? I know Pastors that use it in Biblical studies, fairly sure is is universally shorthand for Christ

READ IT OR you will make me WEEP! plz?

I really liked it up until "I felt a tear accumulate in..." and then it got too wordy and then it turned supernatural. Up to that point though, I loved it. Good luck with it :)

Do you think I should stop holding a grudge against my mum?

O.k well my mum didn't do a great job at raising me and my brothers. She was in a rut and decided that to keep having kids would get rid of all of her problems.. She was in a very bad relationship with my father, and had just lost her mum, so I know it would have been hard for her, but why would you keep having kids when you are clearly not in the right state of mind for it and also in a very bad environment. Kids are not dolls. She ended up having 4 kids all under the age of 6, and she could not handle it. She made a lot of mistakes with us. Now i'm almost 19, my brothers are 20,17 and 15 and then I have an 11 year old brother and a 4 year old (half)sister. We have a lot of problems, and she just really doesn't see where she went wrong. She has told me before that she kept having kids because they were cute when they are little, and she told me she kept having kids because she wanted more girls. She had 4 kids in an unstable environment just for these reasons? Did she ever once think of how it would affect us? No, she was just thinking about herself. And that I can't get over.

How will i look when im older?

i just want a free website that i dont have to download or an app on my smartphone thats makes you look older. Dont tell me to go on that University of St. Andrew's morph thingy cause it has a virus....

Is chronic body pain/aches a recognized symptom of Multiple Sclerosis?

I have just recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis within the last few months. I am only 23 years-old and my doctor has put a priority on beginning treatment (Rebif), which I am scheduled to do at my next visit. I have been experiencing leg numbness/tingling paired with dizziness since this all began four months ago. I also have body aches and pains (i.e. back pain, achey joints etc.). While tingling extremities and dizziness are both universally accepted symptoms of MS, chronic pain is not. As you may know, MS is considered a disabling disease and historically (and ignorantly) doctors have not considered it a painful one. I have done tons of research on the idea of pain and MS and there's not a whole lot of information out there. Is body aches and pains, mainly not feeling "fresh" and kind of feeling like you just worked out the day before, a normal symptom? I am just curious and am trying to get as much information on my new roommate ( aka Multiple Sclerosis). I am all for any information and advice that you guys can give. Thanks.

My ex boyfriend always tells me he's sad?

My ex and I have been on and off for about 2.5 years now. I went on vacation last week and he randomly texted me that we should stop talking. I said okay and didn't contact him. Whenever he contacted me, I ignored it or replied with a simple answer. He constantly texts me saying he misses me and he's emotionally unstable. I don't know what to reply to him because I asked him if he wanted to be with me but he said "not now." I don't understand him. he tells me he's emotionally unstable. but i don't know if i should him him or what. I don't even know what to say to him without sounding mean. Please give me some insight

How do Itunes purchases appear on bill?

Okay, so I was wondering how the purchases I make on Itunes will appear on the credit card bill. If I download the free app "The Jungle Book" will it appear as "The Jungle Book"? and that goes for any other free purchases made. How does it show up?

Why is the U.S.'s dependance on foreign oil bad?

I know it gives more power to foreign countries and gives unstable countries money, but what are some more specific reasons? Is it because it's like supporting dictators in communist countries, or because it raises gas prices in the U.S.? I'm not talking about green house gases and I know fossil fuels are running out.

Has anybody ever been in their mid 20s and very depressed with no support? Please help...?

Hey, I know how you feel. I've been very depressed before and have gone thru periods where I have no friends in my life also. I'm 24 and just recently reconnected with some people I knew in high school, but I find it so hard to keep up with people and events. I also rarely have money and seems like the people I do meet always want to go shopping, dinner, or movies for fun when all I might be able to do is go to a park or get a dvd from the library. If you want to talk my yahoo messenger is cynthiarod561. Please don't hurt yourself thou because there's good things to come one day in your life even thou you can't see it now.

What do i say to a boy i really like that has liked me before?

well this boy i like he was my best friend and that and well i had a boyfriend and also my best friend didn't like the idea of me having a boyfriend and he didn't like him but then me and my best friend had something going on for awhile and then he kissed me and well this left me and my boyfriend relationship very unstable and well now we've ended i've realized i love my best friend and now i don't know what to do because my best friend really did like me and now i like him and well he's scared i'm going to hurt him or something? what do i say to him i've told him that i like him and that but i ended up meeting up with him again and he was like flirting with me big time but yeah i've asked him how he feels and he's like just stuck and i really want to have that chnace with him but i want to prove to him that we would work.. so i need help, any suggestions?

Calorie Diet that varies?

It's hard to say without knowing your daily maintenance of calories needed to sustain your current weight and BMR. Search, "Sure fire ideology to lose weight successfully" on youtube under user name "sanitary103". I did a quick video that will break down how many calories you will need to sustain or lose weight in a healthy manner. Best of luck. Let me know if the video helps.

Does belly get big 7 days after having sex, and used plan B?

I seriously doubt that she is pregnant based on the fact that the Plan B method was used. A growing belly seven days after sex is NOT a sign of pregnancy but more of a sign of PMS bloating considering her pending period. I would not worry too much about this, wait for her period and if for some reason it is late then take a final test to ease your minds. Good luck

How do I unlike this app on Facebook?

So today I tried using an app and I had to like it before I could use it. After I liked it, it still wouldn't work. I tried typing it in the search bar to go to the page to unlike it, but when i search it it goes directly to the app(not the app's page). Does anyone know how I can unlike it?

Be honest about If Egypt is safe or not!!!!?

We have to be realistic in answering this question! it depends in how you evaluate it, If you just mean CRIMES so Egypt now is safer than a lot of other countries, crimes happens everywhere, The issue of safety is coming from comparing between the crimes in Egypt before the revolution and the crimes after, of course when you make this comparison you will find that the rate of crimes has gone up due to the absence of policemen from the streets and the huge amount of creminals whom has escaped from prisons, but things begin gradually to calm down slowely, The issue is that the country will still in an unrest situation due to political issues, there is still parlimant members election, the vote for a new law then the election for a new president, all of this won't take less than 2-3 years for the countery to settle down, Now there is an arguments between political groups and asking for millions friday demonstration to make the new law before the parlimant election,etc....what I am trying to say is that Egypt is safe for living in comparing to other countries but the political scene is unclear for at least 2-3 years and of course this effects peoples everyday life in a way or another.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do I get help for my mom?

If you can demonstrate to a judge that she is a physical danger to herself and others then you can have her committed for evaluation. It is a limited time commitment and there is nothing you can do after that to make her believe what ever the evaluation finds or to make her take medication or see a therapist for problems she does not believe she has. Waste of time.

Why Is Obama referred to as "Black"? by both Blacks and Whites... when he is half white?

because black and white are used as visual descriptions when it comes to race. without knowing beforehand that he's mixed, I really don't think anyone would think he was.

Why isn't my headset working for Textfree?

I have an iPod and an Iwave headset which works perfectly good just not with the textfree app. Please help :)

Conversion to Judaism ?

wait until you move to an area which there is an orthodox synagogue. if you convert to conservative or reform you will not be considered a true Jew by the Orthodox Rabbis of Israel. You can convert to reform or conservative and then update it...if you want, but why go to all this trouble? Just wait until you move, and then be converted by an orthodox rabbi and become a true orthodox Jew. good luck!

Is a person with Gemini Sun/Scorpio Moon/Aries Rising most likely to have an unstable personality?

You are right as some signs are more stable than others. However something like personality disorders and mental illness can affect all signs. environment does play a hand here. But you being unstable, i say no. A Gemini sun makes you an intellectual as you are an air sign. but Geminis do tend to bore easily so keep a cadre of friends that have many interests and are they themselves interesting. A gemini unfortunately can have quick mood swings as the brain is so active at all times that you can flip-flop easily back and forth with this sign. it is hard to remain focused on one thing for long. Again, make sure you have several interests and then you can use that brain for a purpose instead of a ping-pong game. (said only in the kindest way) You may have insomnia with this Gemini sun as you just cannot turn your brain off! The hardest thing i have when dealing with a Gemini is i never know if I'm going to get the happy gemini or the angry gemini. Try to find balance but don't worry if it's just not there. it's not supposed to be. You are a Gemini. With your Scorpio moon you have great depth. which is good because it helps balance that Gemini sun which is not filled with depth nor is is supposed to be. Scorpio doesn't trust easily and is secretive until they truly believe one is trustworthy. Two of my Scorpio friends took about two years to trust me! Use that moon to observe others as that is what Scorpio does best; You are a great judge of ones character. This is very helpful for your Gemini sun which tends to accept others without much thought (if they are interesting enough that is) Be grateful that you have this great ability to know others character. That is a wonderful gift to be able to separate the good from the bad. Be watchful when having difficulties with others because Scorpio has a gift to see others weaknesses and often this ability will be used when in an angry situation. Think before you speak so you don't hurt others feelings. You are spot-on when it comes to pin-pointing others weaknesses. So use that ability wisely. And last but not least your Aries rising. The 1st house is physical body, personality, and ones first impression. You probably are great when meeting people. Aries are generally out-going and active. They require action. You might pick up a sport or activity to use some of the energy proficiently. There is a tendency for Aries rising to be a little hot-headed and somewhat arrogant. Aries likes to be right. And they believe that they are right even when they aren't. Aways give others that you meet a chance to open up as Aries can be focused on self. That's not bad, that is just what they do as Aries is ruled by mars. Be watchful of head injuries and always go to the doctor if high fevers are present as Aries rules the head. Have any head injury checked out thoroughly. Hopefully there won't ever be a head injury but forewarned is forearmed. You have a great balance of elements with these positions. Gemini Air, Scorpio water, and Aries fire. That is a great all-around balance. Good luck to you and hope this has been helpful Bless you

Does MLB At Bat 2011 support video airplay?

I have an iphone 4 and I recently bought an apple tv. When I go on my MLB At Bat app on my iphone and go to the highlights to play a video, I click the airplay button and chose apple tv and all I get on my tv is just the audio from the video but no picture. Does MLB At Bat 2011 support video airplay and if it does how do I get the picture on my tv?

Pleeeease help? It's about people calling n blocking there phone nu?

Is there anyway I can find it who keeps calling me cell phone and blocking there number I have an at&t iPhone 4 and these people are harassing me is there something I can call or an app I can download I really need to figure out who this person is so please help me! Thanks

Help me to answer this toefl..thanks very much..?

The point of the toefl is that you do it yourself.They want to know well YOU know the English language.You can't ask someone else to do it for you.

Why would I risk another 911 and vote Republican?

You failed to keep us safe. Not even one meeting with your head of anti terrorism before 911 that is face not hear say. The fading generations are too unstable and behind to put back in charge.

George Carlin once said, "Most people with low self-esteem have earned it." What does that mean? Do you agree?

I keep thinking about this quote because I feel as if I have low self-esteem. I'm a 36 year old man who is bipolar and schizoaffective and I feel as if low self-esteem has been dogging me my whole life. One thing I can say for sure is that I do believe we get what we deserve. In other words, we are where we are in life because of our actions in the past. So if we are down and out, we must've done some things to get there. Some people believe in victimhood. They believe they are merely victims. And to a certain extent, people are victims of circumstance. People cannot control their genetic make up. And, in some cases, mentally ill people have a chemical imbalance that causes them to be mentally unstable. So I guess you could say I am where I am because of a combination of the two things- not only has my chemical imbalance been responsible for my place in life but also the decisions I made in life have determined my outcome. What do you think about all of this?

What exactly is "bettering the breed"?

When I think of bettering the breed, I think of breeding the dog that is excellent at doing the thing it was originally bred to do. I think a border collie should be a champion in herding or obedience and confirmation if it is to be bred. I personally think it is more important for a dog to be a champion at what it was bred to do then just be a companion. Well, Bulldogs, Pekignese, and Basset Hounds were bred to look that way originally anyway, and I think they should only be bred if they haven't experienced genetic health problems. There are some breeds that were even originally bred to look that way, so I don't think of confirmation as making the breed worse, because they have always been that way. When it comes to a breed like the German Shepherd, THAT is when I get upset with confirmation, because of how messed up their spines and hips are. So many champion German Shepherds in confirmation have had OFA testings that show up as deformed because of how confirmation says they should look. Working German Shepherds can't compete in confirmation because they don't conform to breed standards, and gets me quite annoyed. I think that MOST breeds should always be entered in conformation to breed, but there are some exceptions that just make the breed worse, like the German Shepherd.

Is there anyway to lock the screen on an ipod touch?

okay so i want to see what is going on right not on the ipod, but, when i touch the screen it doesnt do anything, your answer can just give me a app or cydia app name and ill do the googling. The reason i want this is because some tasks need the ipod to be running (not sleeping). once i was in a hurry and i had to slip the ipod in my pocket,when i got back, it cancelled and deleted some of my stuff :[

How to tell my emotionally unstable mother im moving out?

Just talk to her she's ur mom! Ask her if she really wants u to be successful in life then she should let u go on and move out. and that u will come and visit as much as possible.

Do women understand that men don't find them funny?

I just got into an argument about this with some sistas. I understand that you may find certain women to be funny, because you relate to them, etc. and we won't go into the whole evolutionary reasoning behind why women don't have to be funny in order to be reproductively successful. Do you understand that trying to being "funny" in a way that a man is, is universally unattractive to men?

Should the CAG’s role be restated in the post-1990 economic scenario, as desired by Mr Sibal?

CAG s role in India is vital.It is their constitutional duty and function to pinpoint the deviation from established procedure &policies of the Government to safeguard the Taxpayers money.They have several steps to conclude a deviation.Only exceptional and major deviations are brought to the notice of Parliament or Assembly.The elected Government is duty bound to deny or accept it.Therefore Sibal s views can not be accepted.

How to deal with some one who is emotionally unstable and angry?

There this guy at my school . I am trying to be nice but he goes around telling people that I'm his girlfriend . We just met 3 weeks ago. He fallows me , constantly around me, he flips out when my guy friends are near me, he gets mad when I don't talk him etc.. . I am train in my Marshall arts today I almost had to use it . Because he grab my wrist because I got mad and walk away from him I told him also nicely to back up . Then he shouted at me as soon as the teachers broke it up with the help of the police . Then a few hours later he tried to talk to me again but I didn't really because one he made nervous and to it felt like I was dealing with some the fighters again because last year I got in to a mix match with them and people who work for MMA and combat. I do respect them but it was to hard to deal with . He also the same way. I can deal with but I am starting to feel really scared and unconformable because I don't like drama and I don't like feeling this way. I'm lost what do you think I should do . How can I avoid him nicely with out pissing him off. I appreciate the advice .

Update about my cat again?

Ok. The dog with the drugs, that was probably an accident because the two men were most likely drug addicts and the dog got to some of there drugs. Now, the 2 cats, someones purposely trying to hurt them. Try to find out if a neibor hates you or your cats are getting into there garden. But before this, look around your entire house and go through EVERYTHING to make sure that you have no leaks of anything. Hope I helped.

Can I get rid of a cydia app w/ SSH?

I installed FontSwap onto my iPod and installed a font. They were both from trusted sources, but now, when I try to turn on my iPod after having resprung it, it won't turn on. It goes to the apple logo, then makes the BZZT charging noise, and keeps doing it. I can SSH into my iPod even though it's doing this, and I'm wondering if I can remove the app and everything having to do with it using SSH? Thanks.

Why are most people so easily willing to overlook the atrocities carried out in the name of religion?

Don't say 'nobody'...the likes of O'hare, Dawkins, Sam Harris, and many many 'little people' who fight the good fight by simply not attending church.

Why are some women's clothes so uncomfortable?

jeans and heels are very comfortable for me. it depends on each person, it sounds like you don't know what size to buy, because if jeans are always too tight and baggy, then you aren't buying the right ones.

URGENT HELP? android please answer ASAP (APPS)?

I need to find an app, on the Android market that will let me text someone, for free, with a different number.

Legal advice for my lease?

At our home that we are renting, our lease ended 6/30/11. Our landlord offered at the beginning of June to sign a new year lease. We needed to think about it, and have decided to sign another year lease. We have been trying to contact our landlord for the past 2 weeks, with no answer. She finally calls today, on the 1st asking if she can come and get the check. I told her that I needed to see the lease first. She got upset saying that the rent is due on the first, I still told her that I need to see the lease. She is very unstable and you never really know what you are going to get from her. From a legal standpoint, what are my options? Do I have to pay her? Or should I wait for the lease?

Should I have punched him?

I recently punched my "friend" in the jaw instinctively for shoving me into a random guy. He has also lied about me. And threatened to push me into quite attractive girls for what? His own entertainment and to revel in my humiliation? I've never done anything to him. I've thought about knocking sence into him, but I just did nothing. This was in 8th grade and he was not particularly big or threatening in any way. Although he was universally well hated.

My i-pod isn't working....?

Is your iPod properly connected to the wifi network? Otherwise, under settings to to wireless, select the network (using the little blue arrow) and select "Forget This Network" then reconnect to the network.

Alternative android app stores?

I rooted my android (HTC EVO), and I currently use applanet as my app store, but recently its been messing up, so I need a different alternative app store.

Does anyone else feel alone in the world, like they have no one to depend on or relate to.?

my entire life nothing has has ever worked the way i wanted it to. i was brought up by emotionally unstable people that im starting to think are ******* crazy. it seems like everyone in my family is retarded. if been emotionally and physcially abused but im not hindered by it, in fact i've noticed my problems have actually made me a lot smarter. i feel like im alone cause no one ever gets me. im tired of having to put up with people who only want to use me, but im in a position where i cant do crap about it and i have to take it up the ***.

Do i have a legit child custody of proving the mom unfit?

Well little Brother sounds like you are on the ball with this one. Don't get in too big of a hurry it may take a while but you have her nailed GOOD. Enjoy your life with your child !!

My new psychiatrist is making everything worse. What should I do?

Psychiatrists can be great about small favours. Try calling your former psychiatrist and asking for a letter that outlines her advice, opinion and your wishes, even if your new psychiatrist has her case notes. Otherwise, there are a lot of mental health phone lines available in many countries, maybe they could shed some light on your rights - I'm unsure of your age and country.

What does the following passage try to say?

It means that while you may not think school education is so important (because you can't imagine applying any specific lesson to real life), it is actually very important because it teaches you how to use your mind effectively. It teaches you how to think, plan, and solve problems, which is what "real life" is all about.

Is it considered acceptable for a fast food employee to smell?

Anyone with a physical job are not expected to smell like roses by the end of the day. Lol. It's normal to sweat on the job. People should understand that. Those who don't understand are the same ones who have never worked a physical job in the life.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who is more unstable R-Truth or Sting?

Truth. Sting is not unstable, he just loves copying movie characters. First the Crow & now the Joker.

Did the apostle Paul warn us of what would happen if we let Atheists read a bible?

The bible derives all its authority from extremely convenient, unfalsifiable clauses. What better way to explain unbelievers than with an unbeliever clause or two? It is really in the book's best interest to include these to minimize opposition to its other contents.

Please help my blackberry wireless is meffed up?

i only got it yesterday so im not too sure x it lets me on the online browser thing but when i try to go on the app world it comes up "you do not have sufficient wireless coverage or your connection to the wireless network is turned off." but when i go and check the connection and stuff it is connected to our BT thing only upstairs so im not sure :/

Should I stay with my Boyfriend?

I am struggling to decide if it is time for me to walk away from my relationship. I am 30 and have been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years. He is from Italy and I am from South Africa. We meet when we were both traveling in London. I always thought I would go home as I am really close with my family, although not all of them are still in South Africa. So when we started to get serious I told him I would never move to Italy and if he knew that he would never move to SA he should tell me and we would end it then. He said he never thought of living there but wouldn't rule it out. That was all I really need at that stage so we continued on and have a great relationship. My boyfriend has always wanted to move to America. But that never really seemed like a real option. We had a major fight and I said whats the point in working this out if we cant agree on where to live in the long run? He said then he didn't care where we lived as long as we were together. Then America became an option for him and everything changed, previously he had said he knew he wanted to be with me forever but when I could sense something was up and pushed him for an answer he said that he didn't want to marry me just because I agreed to move to america with him and that he wasn't sure he wanted to get married ever. I know he was really stressed at the time so I let it go. He has been really supportive financially and emotionally to try and get me to America but its such a long process. And there is no end in sight. Which means we are going to have to do long distance and I am going to have to do extra schooling so that I can work in America. We haven't talked about where our relationship is going in awhile I think partly because I'm scared. He occasionally says 'oh but what if I want to go back to Italy' and that really isn't an option. I don't speak the language, I couldn't work and I couldn't make my own life there. Plus his family aren't as close as mine so I just don't think that's fair (even if that sounds childish). I feel like I am giving up so much for someone who gives me the impression he's not sure if he wants to be with me in the long run. When America first came up I decided if I didn't try I would regret it but I'm not sure if that's still true. I want to get married and have kids and I feel that I am running out of time. I know it sounds silly but statistically getting pregnant when you are 35 or older is harder, with more risks for you and the child. And I want at least 2 kids and 5 years isn't a huge amount of time. I don't believe in soul mates in that I don't believe there is just one person for everyone but I love my boyfriend and would love to have a family with him, I just don't know if that's an option. He has lots of commitment issues, he had an unstable family life as a kid and has no good relationships within his immediate friends and family that he would want to mirror. So he thinks things like I am going to give him an ultimatum to marry me but for me that's just not what relationships are about. I will walk away before I ever give him an ultimatum. I am so confused. What should I do?

How does an adult deal with parents who haven't cut the cord?

Feel fortunate you still have your parents that care for you. They are not as invincible as they appear, and when your older you'll probably miss them dearly. I hope that when that day comes, you don't regret that you would have treated them a little better while they were alive.

Should I Completely Erase My family?

Im sorry if i am brutally honest, but it seems like your family is completely insistent on child favouritism, its common though but not to the extent that they completely you and abuse you. Ou cant truely erase your family because no matter what happens and where you go, what u do and say, they will always be your family. But i think its come under great attwntion that you need to leave. I doubt they will take any reaction to your leave thugh since they are all completely ignorant, but you are 20 years old, and your high priority is to live your life. Save up for an apartment under rent somewhere, pack your bags and leave immediately. Under the disgusting lack of attention and understanding by your family, you will be unable to enjoy life. So get out of there and enjoy it to the fullest. Leave your family behind and karma will get them when you are soaking up the high life. :).

Question of History Immigrants!!?

We have successfully killed the dream act for 11 years straight now. Don't get excited about it with a Republican congress and a crappy president who will lose his job soon

How do I change this?

Whenever I go to get an app with my iPod Touch 4th Gen. it says for me to sign in but the e-mail is stuck in and I need to change it but I can't. How can I change it?

Why won't iTunes let me buy music with my gift card?

Everytime I try to buy a song or an app with my gift card it takes me to my account information after I put my password in. It won't let me buy stuff with my gift card or even let me get free stuff! I have a loaded debit card on my account that I've used before to buy stuff and now it keeps saying the security code is invalid

Do you think that every country must adopt one child a family policy?

In a bid to counter the ever increasing population, Do you feel that the one child a family policy can be of any help? Should this policy be accepted universally?

What do you think of supporting minor parties?

What happens is that when third parties run, they Split the votes. No way can they win, but what they can do is keep a administration in power they'd rather see go.

Does anybody know the name of this iphone app/game?

What is the iphone game/app where there is lots of lines which change colour as you go through the game and the lines have gaps in and you have to get the ball through the gaps to the bottom and if the ball hits the top, the game is over. Does anyone know what it is? :)

Help! Social studies debate on enforcing women's rights!?

shut the fxxk up . women already have rights. they just want extra rights now so they'll be better than men.

Is there an ASL (American Sign Language) sign for Pokemon?

I've seen several youtube videos that have people signing the lyrics to the Pokemon song in ASL, but each signer seems to use a different sign for the actual word "Pokemon", and some signers just fingerspell it out instead of using any distinct sign at all. Is there a universally or even generally recognized ASL sign for the word "Pokemon", or is it just one of those things where each signer will use something different, kinda like signing someone's name? TIA for any info on this! I'm mega curious.

"Bisexuality is superior to heterosexuality?"?

Let's rephrase this in terms of another matter of mere personal preference: "Neapolitan ice cream is superior to strawberry ice cream". Unless you're severely allergic to chocolate, or vanilla reminds you of the time your grandmother beat you with a wooden spoon for no apparent reason... then maybe neapolitan might not be so "superior". Anyway, yes, it's grand to be bi, and while we're at it - what of all the intersexed people? What about their gender? isn't anatomical gender, much like sexual orientation, more of a spectrum than an on/off switch too?

My friends see my facebook messages to other people?

long story short: i gave a phone to my uncle and logged out of facebook on it (android app) and he signed in on his... i'm always messaging my girlfriend and he can see EVERYTHING... its there a terminate button?

Iphone 4 question about apps.?

So I have this app file/book (downloaded from interwebzz) can i just drag it into my itunes and connect it to my iphone with no worries? or do i have to 'jail break' it?

I dont know what to do? =/?

I am a black chick and idk why but I have a tthing for white boys but it alway seems like its universally wrong for white guys to be with black chick =( and i would understand if i wasnt attractive but i feel like i look okay and i get hit on but.....idk =/

Need advise on step parent adoption/parental rights termination?

I live in the state of IL. I have a 6 year old daughter. My husband wants to adopt her, but her biological father will not sign rights over. He owes 11,000 in child support and hasn't seen her in 5 years. He is a bad person, his family all have very dangerous convictions. He did contact me once last year asking to see her, I told him to take me to court, he is unstable and had not seen her in 4 years she didn't even know him. I want to know how to go about taking him to court for termination of parental rights so my husband can adopt her. The biological dad has felony warrants and may not even show up in court. I think I can do this without any representation. I need to know where to start.

Are these Marijuana withdrawal symptoms?

Ya, they are defiantly withdraw symptoms. There is no way to tell exactly how long it will last but most likely 2-4 weeks. If longer then that's still normal your body must have really adapted to it.

My sister is SO mean!! help?

I feel so bad for you! I think this is unneccessary and is old enough to know not to do this. I also think she just wants attention and in the spotlight. You should try to laugh it off or act like it doesn't bother you at all. Don't do anything bad though with language, because she'll get caught someday and she'll get her revenge :) Hope that helped!

For my first smart phone what should I get?

I've never had a smart phone, but have wanted one forever, but I kind of need one soon. I am starting nursing school, and apparently their is an app that would keep me from having to buy a lot of supplemental textbooks, you can download it to your phone if you have a smart phone, and the nursing instructors seem to be all for it. You can carry the phone with you, were as with traditional textbooks, that might be difficult. Anyways my question is for my first smart phone what should I buy (most likely in AT&T's network). I was think Blackberry Torch or iphone or something else, but I don't know, I live out in the boonies, and we don't always get 4G signal, and I know nothing about smartphones so any help would be greatly appreciated :)).

Texting via iPhone 4 internationally?

I am going to Europe for 3 weeks and i'd like to keep in touch with my friends while i am there. Should i download a text free app to text people in the U.S while i'm away for free? But since i am texting from a different country using this app, will it charge the people that i'm texting? Or if you have any other advice or ideas i can use to text my friends with no charge that'd be great.

Creationists: Why are there no more doubts about evolution within the scientific community?

Not my fault the scientific community has been brainwashed and blinded by the god of this age. to believe such nonsense. everything that is made had a designer and a builder, nothing as awesome as our planet, the solar system, all the many galaxies and even the human body.... none of these happen by pure chance.

Is there an iTouch app that can edit song vocals and improve them! Please answer!!!!?

last christmas my and my cousin recorded a song with vocals, guitar and bass. The vocals are a bit off key and i was wonderin if there is a website or itouch app that can fix them!!

Why do more neutrons cause isotopes to become unstable?

Shouldn't it make it more stabler since it has no charge and acts like a 'glue'? Textbook doesn't explain this

How to remove an apple Id associated only with the terms and conditions?

My wife has an iphone 3. Somehow, she associated the wrong id with the terms and conditions of the App Store app. The result is that she is unable to update any apps. Is there a way to remove this apple id?

How would you handle this situation in proving a mother is unfit for custody?

I understand your issue but here is a thought. Why not try to get her some help for her anger issues? Do you know how damaging it will be for your child to hav no mom? If you are thinking of the best thing for your child, maybe look in another direction so your child can still see her maybe supervised. SHe may be a mess but maybe she can be helped.

How do you use a ipod touch as a wireless keyboard for a wireless laptop?

I recently thought about this and i kinda want a wireless keyboard and i though my itouch would work its 4th gen with over 75% memory left im in 8th grade so no engineering please and if it is need please be very detailed on what im looking for what and were to move the name of the app or website how to download/install thank you.

5.05 What is Terrorism?

I got a little concerned once while in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. I was lying down on my back by myself in the middle of a large park on the green grass when a wolf came out of the woods and started howling at me. I thought it would go away but it just kept howling. I thought it was going to attack so I got up to do some hand to wolf combat and scared it away.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Does facebook have a virus or is it just me? and how do I get rid of it?

Sometimes when I play an app on facebook and click on "Home" a video would pop up and say "My Striping Video." I never play it and immediately click on "Profile" and it would go away. It's been happening a lot and it is getting annoying. Am I the only person this happens to? How do I get rid of it? When I use my virus scanner, it says "no viruses detected."

My ex boyfriend always tells me he's sad and unstable?

My ex and I have been on and off for about 2.5 years now. I went on vacation last week and he randomly texted me that we should stop talking. I said okay and didn't contact him. Whenever he contacted me, I ignored it or replied with a simple answer. He constantly texts me saying he misses me and he's emotionally unstable. I don't know what to reply to him because I asked him if he wanted to be with me but he said "not now." I don't understand him. Please give me some insight

I jailbroke my iphone 3g?

I jailbroke my Iphone 3g and I wanted to know the things that I shouldnt do so as not to get caught by itunes? applications I shouldnt open and from where I should download applications? can I use safari as normal? and the Installous application isnt downloading anything.. and they asked me about the itunes account.. is that normal? and everytime I download ebuddy or anyother application.. I find myself transfered to the App store :S.. what to do? and what applications and things shouldnt I open or use?

Creationists: Have You Actually Educated Yourselves On Scientific Evidence BEFORE Dismissing It So Quickly?

im not sure what kind of an answer you are seeking... i mean you seemed pretty convinced and you answered your own question.

How do you go about not thinking of the horrible mistakes you made in your life when you find the perfect girl?

I mean I get so much anxiety that I begin to act weird or unstable and shy. It's as if can not be myself while I with the perfect woman. I can't act natural as myself. What should I do?

If Christianity is Universal, how come it's not distributed evenly in all cultures?

If the stories of Christianity is true, how come it's not Universally arising out of diffferent cultures? In such a small planet after all?

What's the best FREE BlackBerry app?

Looking for something new and which is not on the Top 25 on the BlackBerry World Page? Something fun? Something like gadgety? Something cool! But best answer to find me an app which is the best for spying :)

Is there some benefit to resembling a famous villain?

have a male friend who's a little older than me. He is a very sweet, kind, EXTREMELY intelligent guy (literally he's a genius, his IQ is like 150-something) and I love him to death. I don't think there's an evil bone in his body. But he looks exactly like a very well known, but long since deceased bad guy. His last name is phonetically almost identical (although spelled differently), he is of the same nationality, and he even has the same type of voice and mannerisms, but I'm not sure that's intentional. SO... You would think he would do everything possible to avoid being compared to this person, because he's pretty much universally despised, but it seems he actually does the opposite. His occupation is the same one that this person once held (and as such he dresses in a similar manner), he has his hair cut the same very particular way, and I swear he does it on purpose. If we go out to a shop or take his dog for a walk, people literally freak out all over the place whispering and pointing and staring, and he appears to be subtly amused by it. He has a very deadpan, dry sense of humour, so sometimes I don't even know if he's joking, but once he told me that people don't mess with him, inferring that possibly that's the reason he plays it up. If we encounter someone difficult, I have noticed that they will invariably back down if he steps up. Would you feel intimidated if you ran into someone you recognized as the doppelganger of someone scary and evil? Do you think this is why he does it, or is there some other reason he might 'play the part', as it were? I wonder if I should just straight out ask him, but I'm scared he's not aware of it somehow and will be terribly offended!

I need a title for this story...?

Ok here's a little background,in the story four girls in the ninth grade are sexually abused by their teacher. They try to make a case against the teacher but because none of them have proof the case is thrown out, because of this one of the four girls becomes mentally unstable and commits suicide. At her funeral the three girls see the teacher who caused all this act like nothing is wrong, they decided that they have to get revenge. The story goes to 3 years later when the three girls have gone their separate ways, but when the teachers car(and his body) are pulled out of the lake, things start to resurface and the girls begin to get threatening letters and text messages from someone who knows what they did on the night their teacher disappeared. The book is told from the point of view of all the girls and the detectives. So what should the title be???

How do you use the phone trcker on the htc inspire 4g?

i heard that the htc inspire has a app where if you loose your phone you can use a voice cammand or something like that for it to ring anf you can locate it. if this is true how do u set ir up or get it, it work?

How can i get rid of my colour id notification on my blackberry bold main screen, heeeeeelp me plz somone!?

i bought the colour id app on my blackberry bold today and now the notification on the main screen of my phone wont go away. it's the colour id symbol with a star and a 1 beside it, i dont really want to delete it after paying for it, can someone please please please help me figure out how to remove it?

How do you say this in hebrew please?

באולם ההתעמלות שאני עושה תרגילים שונים שעוזרים לכל שרירים שונים בגוף שלי כגון חזה ובייספס. אני חושב לעשן וכוהל מאוד רע במיוחד כאשר הם נעשים יחד, כוהל ניתן אם זה יאכל במנות קטנות או בארועים סוציאליים, אף על פי כן הילולה לשתות זה מאוד רעה.

Facebook for android missing?!!?

I uninstalled Facebook on my android Optimus v phone because it was defective. I was planning on installing it again after I did that. I go to install it and it's absolutely gone from the market. I've tried every name it could have on the market and it still wasn't there. I also went online to the market website on my phone and it still doesn't work!! I also tried going on the facebook mobile site and try and find the download app button at the bottom and its not there. How do I get the app back!? Please help me!!! Thank ya! :)

Top Celebrity Men! Add Yours?

Well, none of your fellas went to Vietnam, Ran across the U.S. multiple times, Started a multi-million dollar shrimp company, and was a world champ ping pong champ. My friend Forrest Gump did. :)

How come no one answers questions specifically about me?

Not all users who would want to answer questions about you because they involve avatar gaming. Questions here, under the Community Guidelines, have to be knowledge-worthy and advice-seeking. They can be reported and subsequently deleted in no time flat, so expect violation emails heading your way.

What would happen if the length of a unit of time was increased universally?

You seem to have answered your own question there... days, nights, seasons, years etc. would all become mixed up... our life span would still be the same, unless the stress of re-organising caused physical decline... only the numerical values would change... is there any logic to this question?

Wall Street may hand out more loans instead of QE3, should American take them again?

Please, Americans do not take this credit, our job market is way too unstable to be committing to years long loans and a QE3 will only go to Wall Street again.

Wellbutrin not doing its job?

I started on 150mg per day and as of day 3 Im about to stop taking it. The first day I started feeling odd and the tiniest bit more sociable around people. The second day I felt a little better and could feel more themes out of my life, but around half way into the day I started feeling depressed and nauseous. I got a serious migraine last night and I felt like I could puke at any second until I finally fell asleep. Now day 3 I feel very depressed and I dont want to do anything, not even study for my exam tomorrow. I slowly get a headache every day that gets progressively worse until I fall asleep. Im also starting to wake up at night, being drenched in sweat. Is this normal because I really hate this, I feel so unstable like crazy happy and sad every second constantly.

Is failure genetic? My mother has been a bum all of my life; does this mean I inherited her "issues"?

My mother has been a failure for a long time, for all of my life for sure and it's a long story but she is also mentally and emotionally unstable, drug addicted (heroin/methadone/pills), prone to irrational aggression, doesn't make any sense sometimes (her brain function is off), poverty stricken, divorced 3 times, pretty much dying from all her medical problems, can't quit smoking, been in prison twice, hangs out with the most low class people, she's even held signs, pan handled and been a prostitute, her appearance has seen way better days. She's only 54. She's just so negative and has such a loser mentality. I feel like I am more prone to being like this too because I am her daughter. I feel genetically screwed.

Is resident barry becoming psychologically unstable?

some of his more recent tangents suggest this might be the case. What, if any, evidence can be provided to counter the appearance of mental instability he has been exhibiting for the last 5 months? if no evidence for his psychological stability exists, by what means would he be forced to undergo psychological testing to prove his competence?

Is Pink Floyd the only band which is universally liked it this section?

the wall by pink floyd is what happens when a great band starts believing the hyperbole written about them and becomes overly impressed with the harmonic overtones of their own flatulence. it is one of the most overblown ego driven albums of all time, and stands as a testament of the total excess of mainstream bands of the late 70's. besides, it's far from pink floyd's work.

How to log off facebook on my phone?

I have the facebook app on my HDC Wildfire S phone and have just logged on but now wanting to log off and not sure how to. Do you?

Regarding Blackberry free texting?

I know that there's an App called TextPlus for iPhones Itouches and Droids, but is there a similar app for my blackberry if I have WiFi service? I have the 8530 for metro.

What difficulties do we encounter in defining a species in a manner that would let us apply any definition?

universally? Provide four major difficulties and then apply those difficulties to the following species concepts: morphological species, biological species, and phylogenetic species

George Carlin once said, "Most people with low self-esteem have earned it." What does that mean? Do you agree?

I keep thinking about this quote because I feel as if I have low self-esteem. I'm a 36 year old man who is bipolar and schizoaffective and I feel as if low self-esteem has been dogging me my whole life. One thing I can say for sure is that I do believe we get what we deserve. In other words, we are where we are in life because of our actions in the past. So if we are down and out, we must've done some things to get there. Some people believe in victimhood. They believe they are merely victims. And to a certain extent, people are victims of circumstance. People cannot control their genetic make up. And, in some cases, mentally ill people have a chemical imbalance that causes them to be mentally unstable. So I guess you could say I am where I am because of a combination of the two things- not only has my chemical imbalance been responsible for my place in life but also the decisions I made in life have determined my outcome. What do you think about all of this?

Abs wont appear after 2 years of training!!!!?

I have worked for almost 2 years but my abs wont appear.. based on some ramdom app my body fat percentage is about 7.. and i have been doing crunches, side crunches.. but they all dont seem to work.. do you have any idea what i shld do to make my abs appear? Please help!:)

Help with internet problems?

Me and my family are all connected to the same internet connection and everyone else has a great stable connection, but for some reason my connection is always low and unstable. Everyone else has 54 Mbs while my connection shifts from 11 Mbs to 54 Mbs never staying in one place. My connection also randomly disconnects sometimes. Since I share my internet with my family it should be the same, but it isn't. Can anyone help me?

My mom wants to put me in foster care?

Wow your mom is horrible! I feel so bad for you, you're only 14. I doubt she will want to pay 1000 for child support so she just may be talking out of her @ss. Four more years and you can get out of this pyscho woman's house. You don't deserve this! Best of luck

LED light for new message on MotoDroid default Messaging app?

I have the original motodroid, and whenever I get a new message the notification is on the notification bar, but the LED light doesn't flash unless it's on sleep mode. Is there any way to get the LED light to flash when it's not in sleep mode?

App wont download on my Iphone?

I just bought tiny wings for my iphone, and it just says *waiting* on the stupid app. It wont download, Ive tried restarting it. How can you fix this?

Why is it widely encouraged to parent our kids in ways that would be abusive if done to an adult?

The sole purpose for punishing our children is to teach and reinforce that improper behavior has adverse consequences. By adulthood that lesson should have been well-learned, but we do have things like on-the-job disciplinary actions (including being fired) and a court system to deal with those adults who need to be reminded. Children are not miniature adults, and it is the responsibility of all parents to teach their children how to behave properly in society.

Organ Donors: Questionable scenario?

You say leave eugenics out of but that's what this question is all about. One does not get to choose to whom your donated organs go to. So it would not change my decision to be an organ donor.

The isotope of 42Sc is unstable. why is it so predictable?

All half lives are predictable only because of dealing with a very large number of atoms of the isotopes. When you have only a few atoms of the isotope, as with some of the artificially created elements, calculating the half life becomes more difficult.

Do I have developmental disability?

It doesn't sound like you have a learning disability to me. In fact, I would say you have an above average IQ. A student with an above average IQ will sometimes struggle with certain subjects because they are not challenged enough due to boredom. Of course, I don't personally know you and this is just my opinion. Good luck.

Iphone app for free music or alternative iphone music app?

Any app jailbroken or not..I just need all of my music in one place, (directly downloaded music, and previously downloaded music together).

Knee pain and need help? ?

I was palying soccer and i was running for the ball. I reached the ball and i pulled it to me, then after i placed my foot on ther ground putting weight on it, my knee cracked i felt as if it mooved with instant pain in the back right side of the knee. I was able to walk and it did not swell instantly. The day after my knee was really swollen and it hurt in the back right side of the knee when i bent it and it also seemed unstable when i stepped. I went to the doctor to get it checked and they told me it wasnt a ligament but i dont know what it is.

I Want To Live With A Different Parent: Please Help?

Im 14 Years Old: Turning 15 In August: My Parents Have Been Divorved Since I Was Like 5. I Live With My Dad And His Wife Of 7 Years In New York And I Absolutley Hate It, My Mom Tried Fighting For Custody 3 Years Ago And Lost. My Mom Lives In South Carolina, And She Has A Lot Of Issues, Such As Drugs, And Her Mental Health That Came Up A Couple Years Back And She Lost Custody Of Her Daughter And Son That Were Living With Her, But She Is Cleaned Up And Is Getting Custody Back: I Know If Theres Another Custody Battle All Of That Will Be Brought Up And She Will Loose Automatically: But I Absolutley Can't Stand Living Here; I Hate My Step Mother With A Great Passion And Because Of Her Me And My Dad Fight All The Time, Shes Always Putting Me Down And Accusing Me Of Her Problems: And Im Grounded All The TIme Because Of Stupid **** That Doesnt Even Make Since: And She Moved Out This Year To Move To Georgia And She Blamed Me For The Whole Reason They Were Fighting: My Life Was Great While She Was Gone Everyone Got Along; But Then She Moved Back In: So What Should I Do? , I Really Want To Live With My Mom, I Have Good Reasons To Move But They Would Have Good Reasons As To Why It Would Be An Unstable Enviornment.

Mind Helping a Nice Guy?

Generally, I like a guy to ask me out in person. Be understanding of my past and of choices that I make, Be sweet and honest, and most of all: just be yourself.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Did "cheating" just ruin my chances of getting into an ivy league?

So here's the story, a friend was sick and didn't read a passage for an english test we had, and I told him what chapters the test was on.... after he took the test, he told the teacher that I helped him "cheat" to achieve a higher score on the test. The TEACHER told us that the test was going to be on the following chapters too... so basically, I was accused of cheating, which I really didn't do, but it went on my disciplinary record. The other kid basically tried to set me up because he's really unstable, and is a total jerk to me whenever he doesn't need my help, then nags me and plays all nice when he is desperate. I still have a cummulative unweighted GPA of 4.0 (never cheated on a test to raise my score), I have been on varsity soccer, track and field and cross country since freshman year (so basically, 12 varsity letters by graduation), I will have taken 12 weighted classes by the time I graduate. Do I still have a chance to get into a good ivy league college (Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton)?

Is there a car tuner for android?

I have a droid and want to know if there's any kind of app to tune my trucks computer or anything of that sort.

Briefly, how do I control myself ?

Well you can try religion that seems to helpout some people christianity islam buddhism ect. Which ever you feel comftrable with

Problems with Blackberry app world?

So when I go to login to my world it says "an error has ocurred please try again later" and I have tried over the past few hours and days but it just won't work,anyone know what the problem is???:(also if it helps I have a bb curve 9300 3G:). Thanx:)

What is your opinion on Amanda Knox, guilty or innocent, and why?

I know without a doubt that Amanda Knox is innocent. There is little to no actual evidence to convict her, and the judge who convicted her is mentally unstable, with his insane claims. He's also done this before, to a two guys, Mario Spezi and Douglas Preston, back in the 1980's. Douglas Preston wrote a book about it and about the killings (also the killer) that that same judge accused Mario Spezi in particular of committing, using the same BS claims of satanic cults and sh*t like that. The book is called "The Monster of Florence". I know that she's innocent. What is your opinion?

Im getting mixed messages. What do you think?

All trainers have different standards. Chances are after a year you think your really good and your old trainer was saying that to boost your confidance. Not to say your bad but be humble and accept what she is saying and maybe after a year or two of training she'll have a change of heart!

Can I change my web browser on BT Yahoo and still maintain my existing email address?

Currently using BT Yahoo Home Mail with Internet Explorer and Windows Vista. Computer has become unstable and would like to update to Windows 7 and try another Web Browser. If I do this can I keep my old email address with BT or will I have to change it?

Any universal exhaust silencers out there?

I put a flow master exhaust onto my car and i love the sound it outputs. But it is too loud for my liking. Is there any bolt on silencer or something that will work like one universally for a 2.5" or 3.5" tubing? I would love to keep the sound it produces just tune it down a little. Thanks.

My Fiances Ex won't leave us Alone?

I know some biker dudes, 25k and her picture/address. Give us a week and she will never, ever bother you again.

So ladies, what does the shoulder pat mean to you?

LOL! Um as far as the hugs go I don't believe in half as*ed hugs. Give a real hug! Real, full hug, pull away. The going down thing? I almost cried laughing. If a guy is going to do that no way am I going to complain. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all. If I don't like it, just grab him, yank him up, kiss him and tell him I need him RIGHT NOW! Works like a charm. :)

Is there a PC version of the phone app Ghost Radar?

My brother has it on his phone but I don't have a smart phone and was wondering if there's a version of Ghost Radar for the PC, or a program like it. Thanks!

Do you think I should stop holding a grudge against my mum?

O.k well my mum didn't do a great job at raising me and my brothers. She was in a rut and decided that to keep having kids would get rid of all of her problems.. She was in a very bad relationship with my father, and had just lost her mum, so I know it would have been hard for her, but why would you keep having kids when you are clearly not in the right state of mind for it and also in a very bad environment. Kids are not dolls. She ended up having 4 kids all under the age of 6, and she could not handle it. She made a lot of mistakes with us. Now i'm almost 19, my brothers are 20,17 and 15 and then I have an 11 year old brother and a 4 year old (half)sister. We have a lot of problems, and she just really doesn't see where she went wrong. She has told me before that she kept having kids because they were cute when they are little, and she told me she kept having kids because she wanted more girls. She had 4 kids in an unstable environment just for these reasons? Did she ever once think of how it would affect us? No, she was just thinking about herself. And that I can't get over.

Why won't my Netflix app work?

If I even try opening it a notification appears it says Alert! It cannot connect or something along those linesD: pls help

Universal nutrient broth?

is it possible to produce a nutrient broth that can universally grow bacteria, or do you have to make specific broths for specific bacteria?

Can you get over depression yourself?

Feeling depressed , hopeless, a failure in life, missed my dreams , can't go back to 21 . Cry all the time & easily with sad thoughts of getting old, messed up life, worry of bills, stress of work & kids. Feeling like I will slave away & only drink & have nothing left. Why couldn't life had been better. I can't change the past but I am struggling to let go of the past of lost hopes & dreams & just LIVE in the present. I dunno why I can't . I think of my younger years & cry inside & it makes me feel hopeless. Just want to know if trying to cope with it is possible to do alone. Or do you HAVE to have help. I keep those feelings inside & just try to work hard & have been feeling a resentment to parents & childhood & life & how it has turned out. But I don't wanna go to a therapist as I don't wanna seem unstable or something. I tell myself you can get through but I just cry & get all stressed & depressed & get feelings of loss, hopelessness, feeling like i;m ugly or fat or a loser.

Why do programmers have to make hover-over captions on their web pages so that they block what you're viewing?

This is my biggest beef. If you're going to put hover-over captions on your website, please don't give them an agonizingly long hang-time, and don't make them block (1.) videos, (2.) text, or worst of all (3.) the drop-down menu command I'm trying to click on. Why are some programmers such idiots about this? Microsoft, for instance, is incredibly irritating about non-intuitive "helpful" little hover-overs. Anyone else hate this? How should people avoid this? Is there a way to universally turn them off on your browser?