Monday, August 8, 2011

Be honest about If Egypt is safe or not!!!!?

We have to be realistic in answering this question! it depends in how you evaluate it, If you just mean CRIMES so Egypt now is safer than a lot of other countries, crimes happens everywhere, The issue of safety is coming from comparing between the crimes in Egypt before the revolution and the crimes after, of course when you make this comparison you will find that the rate of crimes has gone up due to the absence of policemen from the streets and the huge amount of creminals whom has escaped from prisons, but things begin gradually to calm down slowely, The issue is that the country will still in an unrest situation due to political issues, there is still parlimant members election, the vote for a new law then the election for a new president, all of this won't take less than 2-3 years for the countery to settle down, Now there is an arguments between political groups and asking for millions friday demonstration to make the new law before the parlimant election,etc....what I am trying to say is that Egypt is safe for living in comparing to other countries but the political scene is unclear for at least 2-3 years and of course this effects peoples everyday life in a way or another.

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