Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why are the people at Sony so stupid?

Whatever they added in one of the previous updates now disconnects my computer from the internet every time I turn it on. My 360 doesn't, and it's up to date, so why the hell does my PS3? What was this unstable crap that was such a necessity in this update? Why is a stable network not priority? If I buy a system, I shouldn't have to mess with my router to try and stabilize something on the networks their shitty update caused, a year later. Actually, it could have been much longer ago, but I haven't been on it for like eight months. Oh, and hey, I get to choose from a few games, two of which came with my system already! Nice! And another one is a horrendous Japanese crap shooter game. Thanks Sony, I love having to uninstall my device drivers, and reinstall them just because I turned my PS3 on...

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